BlueStem Jazz is a non-profit venture dedicated to presenting progressive, avant-garde, experimental jazz in Madison WI.
Rob Clearfield’s Ashes and Diamonds with Greg Ward at North Street Cabaret | Feb 21 | 8pm | WATCH/LISTEN | TIX
CHRYSALIS featuring Brian Sandstrom, Keefe Jackson, Dan Bitney and Jim Baker at North Street Cabaret | Feb 28 | 8pm | WATCH/LISTEN | TIX
Gabriel Heinemann Trio at Audio For The Arts | Mar 8 | 8pm | LISTEN
TWIN TALK featuring Katie Ernst, Dustin Laurenzi and Andrew Green at North Street Cabaret | Mar 21 | 8pm | WATCH/LISTEN | TIX
Paul Hecht Quartet at North Street Cabaret | Apr 5 | 8pm
Charlie Ballantine Trio at North Street Cabaret | Apr 8 | 7pm
Gustavo Cortinas’ – CRISIS KNOWS NO BORDERS featuring Mark Feldman, Jon Irabagon and Dave Miller at North Street Cabaret | Apr 12 | 8pm
Happy Apple at The Bur Oak | Apr 13 | 7:30pm | WATCH/LISTEN | TIX
Fareed Haque’s GARAJ MAHAL at The Bur Oak | April 18 | 8pm | TIX
Jimmy Farace Quarter featuring Devin Drobka, Ethan Philion and Kenny Reichert at North Street Cabaret | Apr 25 | 8pm
Gabriel Zucker & Attila Gyárfás at Audio for the Arts | Apr 26 | 8pm
Max Johnson 3 at Audio For The Arts | May 2 | 8pm
Zacc Harris Group at North Street Cabaret | May 8 | 7pm
Tommaso Moretti’s Inside Out Quartet at Audio for the Arts | May 16 | 8pm
Dirk Quinn Band at WORTstock/Warner Park | May 18 | FREE
Brad Billmaier at Audio for the Arts | Jun 6 |
Adam Shed Toy Instrument Quartet Microplastique at Audio for the Arts | June 21 | 8pm | WATCH/LISTEN
Past 2025
Christopher Dammann Quintet with Edward Wilkerson, James Davis, Mabel Kwan and Scott Clark at North Street Cabaret | Feb 8 | 8pm | WATCH/LISTEN| TIX
Tom Gullion Quintet at North Street Cabaret | Jan 18 | 8pm | WATCH/LISTEN | TIX
PIANO SUMMIT – Tim Whalen, Dan Cavanagh, Marco Reyes, Dave Stoler (sub for ill Mabel Kwan) at North Street Cabaret | Jan 11 | 8pm | SIDEBAR | TIX
Fareed Haque Group – Acoustic at North Street Cabaret | Jan 4 | 8pm | LISTEN | TIX
NewsLetter SignUp
Friends of Bluestem financially support Gustavo Cortinas’ latest album release – THE CRISIS KNOWS NO BORDERS
A brand new 64′ Fender deluxe-reverb tube amplifier appeared on our doorstep as an anonymous gift to BlueStem!! We must have been good boys this year, thanks Santa!
BlueStem Jazz has now partnered with Matt Kleiser of THE MASON LOUNGE on Park St to help present and promote his TUESDAY NIGHT JAZZ series!
FORWARD – NEVER STRAIGHT! reflections on jazz from the heartland article by Thomas Ferrella is published in Jazz Right Now, read here
Michael Hudson-Casanova’s ANIMUS Quartet concert at Audio for the Arts on Sept 30th, 2023 will be featured on Buzz Kemper’s Second Sunday WVMO 98.7fm radio show, Feb 11th, 2pm. This concert will also be released as an album in March – Tune-in!
SIDEBAR with our San Francisco’s Charlie Cronk is LIVE! Tune in to Episode 1 here or wherever you get your podcasts. Ben Monder from the Bad Plus is next!
BlueStem Jazz sponsors Dave Bayle’s new album release – Live at the Uptowner on Calligram Records.
SIDEBAR is our new podcast series run by our dear pal, Charlie Cronk. Charlie is a life-long music lover, some time musician, one-time butcher, a practical concept designer and a cyclist. Originally from Madison, now residing in the San Francisco Bay Area, he will bring a conversational style to our podcasts, so stay tuned for the up and personal SideBar with Charlie Cronk.
Michael Brenneis for 4 years has been an integral volunteer for BlueStem running The ShowBiz RoundUp Podcasts. He has decided to hang up his mic and we are eternally grateful for the beautiful work that he has done. We want to extend a hearty THANK YOU to Michael for his dedication and knowledge that he graciously lent to the BlueStem series!
Sunday Afternoons with Buzz Kemper on WVMO 98.7fm interviews Dave Stone and Thomas Ferrella, listen up here.
BlueStem Jazz gets written up by Madison Magazine!
BlueStem Jazz sponsors our first tour! With an amalgamation of greats from the USA and Norway – Nick Mazzarella, Ben LaMar Gay, Jon Rune Strom and Tollef Ostvang.
BlueStem’s own, Thomas Ferrella lends his artistic mojo to Russ Johnson’s new album – REVEAL on Calligram records, give a look-see-listen here
Luke Leavitt, our piano ambassador for our SOUND TILE series is leaving our fair state for lands beyond. Good luck Luke with your new adventures and a hearty thanks for all you have done for BlueStem Jazz.
From our series, Jason Stein [cl], Damon Smith [b] and Adam Shead [d] have released a new album titled HUM on Irritable Mystic Records that was recorded at the North Street Cabaret! Congrats!
Mars Williams is a beloved member of the creative music community, whose influence radiates outward from his home in Chicago to every corner of the globe, was diagnosed with cancer. Dave Rempis has organized a go-fund-me campaign to assist in his expenditures, so please consider giving generously!
BlueStem Jazz is spreading the love and partnering with the Slowpoke Lounge & Cabaret to help bring the Marvin Dolly Trio to Spring Green, April 15th.
Evan Verploegh has released two albums on Bandcamp. One with Ben Baker and another with Brennan Connors and Seth Davis. These recordings arose from their live BlueStem performances we hosted at Audio For The Arts on 1.15.22 and 10.15.22. Beautiful work and congrats!
BlueStem Jazz proudly purchased a 1943 Baldwin L grand piano that will live at North Street Cabaret. Piano maestro and sensei, Brian Mott, assisted us in the purchase and did a thorough mechanical overhaul, declaring – “she is ready to rock”.
BlueStem Jazz delivers our second drum kit to Audio for the Arts, a PDP Concept Maple Bop kit – it is gonna swing with that Yamaha C6 grand!
BlueStem Jazz receives our new TAMA drum kit which will live at the North Street Cabaret. BIG THANKS to Heid Music for sponsorship!
Friends of BlueStem Jazz are honored to form a partnership with our fellow brethren in Milwaukee, Improvised Sound, to help co-sponsor shows there, a healthy Milwaukee scene is a healthy Madison scene!
Friends of BlueStem Jazz proudly co-sponsor the Instigation Festival – 2022 [Sept 14th – 18th] in Chicago
Friends of BlueStem Jazz proudly co-sponsor the Catalytic Sound Festival – 2021 [Vienna, Trondheim, Rotterdam, Chicago, New York, Washington, D.C.]
BlueStem Jazz is starting a near-weekly solo piano series at the Garver Feed Mill featuring Luke Leavitt titled SOUND TILE! This free series debuts May 27th 5-7pm. Guaranteed, Luke will keep things interesting. Stay tuned!
WISCONSIN STATE JOURNAL interviews the BlueStem Jazz power trust before Silver Lining award ceremony. article
WORT 89.9 fm PETRICHOR RADIO with DJ ohjho [aka anthony cerulli] 4/19/22 – the wheres, hows and whys interview with the bluestem brain trust
DJ Rob Szocik, ‘Alternating Currents’ WMSE 91.7 fm, interviews the “Wonder-Twin Super Heroes” – David Stone and Thomas Ferrella. Listen here. 2/27/22 (starts at 2:17)
Buzz Kemper [Audio For The Arts] showcases a prerecorded BlueStem Jazz show by pianist Matt Blair on his every 3rd Sunday Acoustic Moose show on Monona’s WVMO 98.7fm radio show – VOICE OF MONONA. Way to keep Monona weird Buzz!
Tune into Bob Kerwin’s newly reintroduced MADISON JAZZ CALENDAR for everything hip, cool, groovy and up to date about jazz in Madison! THANKS BOB!
Alan Fark – musician, musical impresario, owner/director of MINOR, Ralph Towner’s website designer, 5-star cool guy….joins the BlueStem team and will now assist in our social media endeavors. Grazie amico mio!
SHOUT OUT!! BlueStem Jazz receives a healthy grant from the Dane County Nonprofit Assistance Fund, dispersed through the Madison Community Foundation. Way to recognize the little guys making a difference in our community presenting and promoting jazz for your soul. BIG THANKS!
BlueStem Jazz politically sits on the fringes of the local jazz scene even though for 6 years running we have hosted over 250 shows – and the silver lining [one of many] is that we are in excellent company! Read this article in FILMMAKER on a new documentary film titled FIRE MUSIC – The Parts That Were Left out of the Ken Burns Documentary
Al Rasho, famously known for running one of the best clubs in town – THE NORTH STREET CABARET, is now our marketing director. Welcome Al and a big THANKS!
Michael Brenneis’ SHOWBIZ ROUNDUP are now podcasts!, tune in here to hear the latest interviews with our bands.
All About Jazz: Meet BlueStem Jazz’s Dave Stone & Thomas Ferrella by Hrayr Attarian. You can read the article here
BlueStem Jazz receives $2,000 grant from Wisconsinonymous Huge honor!
BlueStem Jazz’s partnership with Garver Feed Mill expands in 2021 to include Fridays from late spring through late summer/early fall, so stay tuned!
MADISON ARTS awards BlueStem Jazz $3,000 grant in support of our 2021 Spring Jazz Festival at Schenks Corners.
Tony Castaneda hosts BlueStem Jazz on his WORT 8 o’clock buzz morning show 8/6/2020, BlueStem Jazz announces their first show since the covid lockdown and their robust fall schedule at the Garver Feed Mill Patio.
BlueStem Jazz is excited to announce our newest event partner, THE GARVER FEED MILL PATIO – hip venue, enlightened people, chill vibe…way to make BlueStem feel at home!
Welcome Michael Brenneis to the BlueStem Jazz all-volunteer staff! Michael Brenneis is a drummer and composer, based in Madison, Wisconsin. He will be our blogger doing pre-show reviews and interviews called the ShowBiz Roundup. He wants everyone to know that he’s a musician not a journalist. After reading his amazing posts, BlueStem may argue with the journalist comment.
BlueStem Jazz welcomes Rick Campbell to our volunteer staff. Rick possess an incredibly deep knowledge and appreciation of all things jazz, but especially of avant-garde jazz. He is also a very generous donor to Friends of BlueStem Jazz and will act as our liaison to WORT 89.9 fm. PROVOKE CULTURE!
ALCHEMY CAFE becomes a BlueStem Jazz sponsor! Where our musicians eat for free and our patrons to all BlueStem Jazz events eat and drink at a 10% discount day of the show.
An Extra Large Thanks to generous supporters. Our Giving Tuesday fundraising was very successful. Look forward to more great music in Madison during 2020
wmse 91.7fm [milwaukee] with alternating currents DJs rob szocik and zoro [aka brent boock] – interview on all things bluestem, 12/1/19 [starts at 1:02:50]
11/19 “friends of bluestem jazz” give generously to wort 89.9fm and form partnership to buy underwriting promotion for 2020
10/16/2019 – bluestem jazz proudly gets picked to host three artists from south arts first jazz road tours‘ grants: brandon ross, Melvin Gibbs, J.T. Lewis – harriet tubman. jaimie branch – fly or die. david rempis, tashi dorji, tyler damon – kuzu.
bluestem jazz launched non-profit sponsors/presenters of progressive jazz in madison, wi.
wort 89.9 fm fire worship with joanne pow!ers 5/14/19 – interview on the state of jazz in madison
badger herald by emilie burditt 1/28/19
isthmus by allison geyer 11/29/18
isthmus by kiel majewski 5/3/18
wort 89.9fm 8 o’clock buzz with tony castaneda 5/3/18 – interview about our May JAZZFEST
wisconsin state journal by gayle worland 4/27/18
wort 89.9fm 8 o’clock buzz with jonathan zarov 2/23/18
capital times by erik lorenzsonn 2/27/17
Audio for the Arts
7 S Blair St # 1, Madison, WI 53703 | 608-255-0511 | Capacity: 30+
Madison's premier recording studio, their live concert series called Acoustic Moose features artists in an intimate setting - the live room at Audio for the Arts! For these concerts, artists perform mostly acoustic versions of their music to an exclusive audience of about 30+ people. It’s a chance to see and hear amazing talent up close and personal in a state-of-the-art recording studio setting.
Harmony Bar & Grill
2201 Atwood Ave, Madison, WI 53704 | 608-249-4333 | Capacity: 190
Madison's quintessential, award-winning neighborhood bar and grill featuring terrific food and great music with over 30 years hosting experience. With a tin ceiling and checkerboard floor, plus bartenders you just can't help but shoot the breeze with, it's custom made for the stuff barroom tales are made of: Saturday-night shindigs and happy hours turned hootenannies.
The Bur Oak
2262 Winnebago St. Madison, WI 53704 | 608-640-4380 | Capacity: 130
Hello friend. The Bur Oak is a venue for inspiring conversation between stranger and neighbor, artist and patron, friend and family. Our cafe was inspired by a memory of your great aunt’s farmhouse kitchen. Our MENU aims to be simple and wholesome inspired by ingredients picked in our state. The drinks compliment the food. Our performance space has an expansive stage yet lends itself beautifully to our intimate listening room.
The North Street Cabaret
610 North Street Madison, WI 53703 | 608-422-5646 | Capacity: 99
The North Street Cabaret is a new music venue in Madison, Wisconsin hosting a wide variety of world music, jazz and local talent. With excellent drinks, friendly staff and the Tip Top Tavern right across the street for amazing food, you have arrived at the epicenter of a cool Madison vibe. Inclusivity is our highest priority – all are welcome at the cabaret.
The LowDown
Since 2016 we have been booking progressive jazz in Madison, Wisconsin and have been fortunate to partner with several local venues as a means of expanding our services and increasing exposure for this valuable art form. These venues range from a recording studio to listening rooms, patios, churches and full-on killer clubs. All dedicated to the progressive, avant-garde, experimental musician. We believe our reputation speaks for itself in what we have accomplished over these years and we believe it will carry us well into the future. And as always, we do this with love and passion as volunteers and do not take a penny. What we get in return is much more valuable – we get to be anointed with sonic wonders from amazing musicians.
This is making a couple old guys really happy!
David Stone / Thomas Ferrella
Tune in here to get the full skinny.